Off The Beaten Tracks

Luckily for me, we’ve been hosting family and friends who come to visit us in Israel, for over 30 years. These occasions challenged me to find new and interesting sites and experiences that would interest tourists who have already seen all the “must-see sites”. Fortunately, Israel is full of hidden sites, alluring places, and fascinating stories. I look forward to sharing them with you, and leaving you with unforgettable memories.

From the City of David to the Southern Wall

Reaching the Southern Wall via a secret tunnel instead of walking to the Western Wall plaza like most tourists do is an exciting way to arrive at the ruins of the Second Temple. Then touching the “Stone of the Priests” from “Where the trumpet was blown” and reading the Bible verses inscribed there can send a chill down your spine as you touch antiquity.

The past literally comes to life before our eyes when you follow in the footsteps of the pilgrims climbing the stairs of the “Ofel” to the “Hulda Gates”. This ancient place always excites me and is just one of the experiences that await those who join me on the tour, “The Wall That You Don’t Know.” ​

a stone from the temple where the shofar is blown

Jerusalem Outside the Walls

The ambition of European empires and other Christian nations that sought a foothold in Jerusalem led to the establishment of different international quarters, each with its own special identity. There’s a German neighborhood, a Russian compound, a French complex, an Ethiopian estate and countless urban legends. Additionally, the establishment and development of the first Jewish neighborhoods outside the walls produced pioneering stories that ignite ones imagination.

Jaffa - Archaeological Findings, Myths and Legends

When wandering in the alleys of Old Jaffa, legends mix with reality. There are traces of the many different empires that once ruled here. This is the area where my grandparents lived. As a child I wandered through the flea market and among the artists’ houses in the Old Quarter. I heard tales that made my eyes open wide. My tour here combines the charms of the city as I experienced them, as it is today, as well as the history of Jaffa all the way back to its earliest days.

The clock in Old Jaffa with a Christmas tree

The White City of Tel Aviv

I grew up in the heart of Tel Aviv. As a child I wandered through the courtyards and got to know the houses which were later recognized as a World Heritage site, and referred to as “the White City”, known for their unique architectural style.

In my youth I participated in events all over the city. I remember when camels were brought to Diezengoff Square on the holidays, and

I used to go to the Carmel Market with my mother to buy fresh food.

Stories of the past and facets of today’s vibrant city are all included in this tour of one of Israel’s hottest global tourist destinations.

Zina Dizengoff Square

The Judean Lowlands – Antiquities, Food and Wine

A short drive from the center – you can visit historical sites, where the stories of the Bible come to life. Creep in national heritage sites where people lived in caves and tunnels to save their lives. And experience the local wine industry and fine food.

Ramla and Lod

Ramla the city that rose from the sands. Underground water reservoirs. markets, tasty food are mixed and connected.

Lod – where stories of saints and knights come together.
